Tuesday 29 January 2013


Was in a can't wait mode frm a long time..
finally D day was around.. Its 11th dec 2012...
Was shooting some imp scenes of #DEEWANA at NT-1 studio
since mrn nd was waiting fr d shoot to get ovr..
Was back home at 5pm..
Mohna was a litl tensed frm y'day, so was I :)..
Aftr all d packing n preparation we
(Gopal,Kishore Somnath n chauffer Bishu)
left home at arnd 8-30 n sharp at 9pm was in Neotia hospital..
Dr. Rajeev agarwal who hs handled Mohna v carefully
frm the last 8months or so..
made a. visit..
normal inquiries, some Ques/ans n he left...
Everyone else also left by 11..
I decided to stay back :)..
Thot tht wud make Mohna a bit comfortable..
Me n Mohna were having a last nite bfr
we were going to get a new member in our life...
Msgs n calls had started coming in...
Many ppl many predictions..
We both also did nt knw
n had been asking each othr 'wht do u feel' :)..
Few more hours to go.. whoever it may be boy or a girl..
d world is going to change fr us fr sure!!!
May god bless us n all!!! :)

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